For weeks now, I have been pondering this question “Why Do I Blog”? I started to make a list, but I am terrible in making lists, so I just said to myself, “Self, just write from your heart and head”. If you have read anything I have written, you know I have this thing (or littler person) that runs around in my head and sings songs from out of no-where or just talks to me. I guess it is better than talking to myself, thou I do that sometimes too.
Now I do not want this to be a long post, because I know you have others blogs to read or getting that next quilting project done, so this might be a two part post, and maybe you might be saying, I do not feel like ready all this stuff. It’s alright; I am just in a pondering mood tonight.
So let me get started. I got the blogging bug just a year ago. Two of my Guild/Bee friends Linda -eat, sleep and quilt and Yetunde-Sistah Stitch A lot had started up blogs and I would visit them and read what they were doing. Then I started visiting other blogs from their side bars, reading what others were talking about their quilts or other projects. Since I was the newsletter reporter for my Bee and writing up quilting type stories like “All About The Scant Quarter Inch” and other quilting stories, I thought I would try my hand on blogging. It took me awhile to get the hang of the blogging world, how to set up a blog; joining hops; linking up (still trying to figure that out); leaving comments and blog etiquette. Then how do you get people to even take notice of you and want to come back and visit you again, and again, and again, the followers.
Ah, what can I say, I was hooked. I give all of you a standing novation. Thank you to those of you who have given tutorials, giveaways, free patterns, and new ideas on doing quilting things. Thank you (name dropping here) to Madame Samm (Sew We Quilt); Just Carol (Just Let Me Quilt) for cheering us on to the most inventive blog hops, Jenelle of Echinops and Aster for her “Tech Help” blog tutorials, just a few names from the top of my head (too lazy to look through all the blogs that I follow), but you know who you are for your linky parties so that other blogs can me recognized and bring up their following list.
There is nothing so exciting then people you have never met to feel like your closes friends. The shared interest, the sad time, the happy times, the accomplishments you feel when you look on the your side bar as see that you have gained more followers, or when you receive such a glowing comment about your writing or your latest quilt project.
I can go on and on, but it already looks like this is getting too long and still don’t think I have even really told you “Why I Blog”. May be I should make that list to get my thoughts together and get back to it another time. While I working out my thoughts, why don’t you leave me a comment on why you blog, and I will use it in my next blog.
Crazy, right, I’m starting to repeat myself and even I don’t feel like reading over what I have written.
So until I blog again
The Confused – Don’t Know What The Hell I Writing
The Slow Quilter – (Felicia Few)