
Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm still not sure what I will be featuring in this blog. I know it will be about quilting, but I might throw in the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle. So come along a follow me through my world of quilting and other stuff.

Friday, January 3, 2014

No Work Friday????



I got my wish and did not have to go into work this morning, the weather was not too bad, put when I looked out my window this morning two song lyrics came to mine, “Slip Sliding Away” and “Baby It’s Cold Outside”.  I jumped back in the bed for a couple of more hours of sleep.

Since we Government workers had the option to use annual leave or telework, I went for the telework.  So as I was “teleworking”, I also had time to read some blogs, leave comments, printout projects, and clean my sewing room (which I am still doing).  I can see my sewing table and most of the floor.  Even the cutting table is almost finish so I can start cutting up some fabric, YAH!!!!!!

I am in the process of cleaning the basement, and setting up shelves to hold all my fabric, and you know what that means?  I will be going out to buy more binds.  I think I am cornering the market on binds, I buy one or two every month.  With the cats around, they always seem to want to lay on my fabric.  I can’t blame them, I would like to roll around in it myself, but they leave cat hair on everything.


I have been wanting to ask this question for sometime.  Those of you who own cats how do you handle the cat hair problem, the furniture, the fabric, the floor? O.K. the floor I can sweep or vacuum, along with the furniture, but it is driving Tom crazy when is clothes, especial black has cat hair on it.  I think it is Ms. Jay’s hair not Louie.

Anyway,  I have not joined any blog hops, but will be cheering on everyone who have.  I have not made any New Year Resolutions that I know I will not keep.  I will try to finish up 2012-2013 projects but still add new ones to 2014.  I promise to blog often and comment on other peoples blogs, just to let them know I have been there.  So please let me know that you are still with me and leave a comment that I am one of your favorite blogs.

Happy Quilter for the Bind Quilter (The Slow Quilter) Felicia

P.S.  I am still playing around with the color of my blog, Linda (eat, sleep, quilt) side that she need not like the white lettering it was hard to read so I have change the color to black.  Let me know if that is better and my back ground color is purple.


  1. Hi Felicia. Your blog is STILL one of my favorites. I love your sense of humor.And WOW! The new colors are awesome! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you for check me out, I think I will stick to this theme.

  2. Hi Felicia, I love the color and the black is easy on these old eyes!

    1. Char, I replied to you on e-mail and notice that the other repliers were not there, so I just wanted to make sure you got my message.

  3. Love to read your blog! You're very funny and always interesting. Thanks for checking in!

    1. Thank you for check in with me. I'll try to keep up with the blog and quilting.

  4. I thought you were going to say that since you are in the basement putting up shelves and stuff that you would need to go out and buy more fabric...HA!!!

  5. Do you put blinds over your fabric shelves to keep the cat's out? I have my fabric on shelves and the cat doesn't bother them at all, as long as he has a comfy chair! Mine! Haha

  6. I used to have a cat but not any more - he passed away about 3 years ago. I found those roller things worked pretty good to get hair off. If I was out of those I just wrapped masking tape around my hand and rubbed it across the fabric. blessings, marlene
