
Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm still not sure what I will be featuring in this blog. I know it will be about quilting, but I might throw in the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle. So come along a follow me through my world of quilting and other stuff.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Traveling Stash Box On Its Way


traveling stash button

Well, the Traveling Stash Box is on it way to Corona, CA to Cherise of Sewingly Along.  I took the box to work since the post office is right next door and it would be easy to send off.  I almost had a heart attack, when I could not find her address in my e-mails, put then I did.


As you can see I repacked the box and added one of my Turtle Guards to make sure it will get to her very safely.  I almost forgot to add the instruction sheet.  Thank you Turtle Guard for reminding me.

To get updates on were the Travel Stash Boxes are and where you can get a chance to receive it just click on the logo on my side bar.

It was a bad house at work today, trying to spend the governments money before the end of the fiscal year.  I got home late and I am to tired to even eat, so I am going to hit the bed and think of all the quilts I want to make.

Sweet Quilter Dreams

The Slow Quilter

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