
Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm still not sure what I will be featuring in this blog. I know it will be about quilting, but I might throw in the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle. So come along a follow me through my world of quilting and other stuff.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Blogger's Life

I must apologise to my readers, I promised to show you a new ripping tool yesterday, but I had a long Saturday and had to finish my resume and hit the bed.  After getting home from church, I cooked dinner and started to get my things together for my week of quilting and by the time I got ready to post my blog, my camera batteries were dead, so you will have to wait until tomorrow (Monday) and I will make sure the camera is charged up.  So I hope you will like my little writing on a Blogger's Life.
A Blogger's Life - By Felicia Few - The Slow Quilter

As you know I am a blogger and have been for the last 6 months.  I enjoy meeting new people even if it is on-line.  There are so many quilt blogger's out there with interesting quilting techniques to share.  I find that it helps me to get out of that sometime quilters block that we all seem to get into at one time or another.  There are so many motivational activities with all the BOMs (Block of the Month), quilting challenges and give a ways.
Blogging is a way to share not only your love of quilting, but to share your experience or to let other people see the type of work you are doing.  Most blogger will blog every day, some every other day or maybe just monthly.  You never know who you might already know that is blogging.  When I first started this blogging thing it was because I love to write or maybe just that I like to share the funny things that were happening to me in my quilting or life in general.  I have entered contests and won, started new projects and met new friends with the same interest that I have of movies and reading and even the grandchildren.

Even if you are not the blogging type, you can always fellow a blog on-line and see what they are doing, but I must warn you, that once you see all the exciting things happening around the blogging world, you might just end up starting one yourself.
So get on your computer and visit some of the blogger's out there.  You can check out my blog and see who I’ve been following or check out other blogger's and see who they are following.  It is great to know that someone is following you.

The Slow Quilter


  1. So true! That's exactly how it is! I'm blogging more than I thought I ever would. I've started doing all sorts of projects. I guess blogs are just fun!!

  2. AlthemeseBApril 22, 2012

    I am following you and miss seeing you at the guild meeting on Saturday. I read more blogs than getting tons of quilting done.

  3. Hi Felicia, this was a very interesting post! I agree with you on all your points on blogging. I love blogging, and am blogging every day because I have challenged myself to a 100 day posting. It is creativing a habit and has allowed the creativity of each day to be shared. I've noticed it is a way to open up my heart to others also~ ♥♥♥
