As you all know I went on a bus trip to the casino, but it was not Atlantic City. That trip will be coming up in June on a fun bus. This trip was with the AARP group of church ladies to the Perryville, MD Hollywood Casino. I don’t think the AARP group is ready for Atlantic City.

Now I walked around the casino, looking for a nickel slots, put I found this two cent slot and thought I would play it. First twenty dollars went in and I won $43.00. After that win, I went out side and read my Kindle. I just loaded up one of J. R . Rain’s book for $3.99 called Vampire Dawn (Vampire for Hire Series). Those of you who are not into the vampire reading, should check out this writer. I introduced his books to Livin’ Blue Quilter (my soul sister) and I think she has out read me in her books. It about a women, with two kids, and she is a detective who is also a vampire and with a shitty ex-husband. Her name is Samantha Moon, and I can totally relate to her dilemma. Trying to pay the bills, take care of the kids, stay out of the sun, and dealing with her asshole of a ex. and working nights.
Before we went to the casino, we stopped at a restaurant that seems to be their most liked place when they go on this trip (they really need to find some place different) don’t get me wrong the food is good, put I just like to go some place different. the Place in called Cozy’s in Thurmont, Maryland. If you listen to the news this week you know that the President and Foreign Dignitaries would be hanging out at Camp David, which was not far from were Cozy’s is and were Presidents come to eat. Already when we pulled up, there were news crews staking out the area.

We also made a side trip to this little side road marked that sold fresh produce. And let me tell you, they also bake fresh fruit pies, they smelled so good I just wanted to buy one, but I resisted the temptation, and the flowers look good too. Nothing like good country air.

Now, I must tell you that I slept all the way up there and back. I was so tired, I even woke myself up from the snoring. It was a good sleep. By the time a read 3 pages, I was out like a light. But back to the casino. After reading for awhile, I had to go back into the casino to hit the little girls room. On my way, I ran into two little old ladies from my church who have been sitting in front of a penny slot since they got there and had not started playing. So I asked them was anything wrong, and they said that all the slots were different from when they were up here before and was not sure how to play. While being a lover of helping I sat down and with them to show them, that is when I lost $20.00. After that I went to the little girls room and then walked around, found a nickel machine and started playing, I won like $50 and instead of taken my winning a running for the front door, I kept playing it. The next thing I knew I had lost what I won and put more money in the slot and lost that money. I was about to put more money in the slot, but reason took over (you got to love reason), I realize that I had to go bowling when I got back home, and needed funds to play BINGO and pay for my game and may get something to eat. I was saved!!!!
Now when I got home, my daughter was still there cleaning her room, she was to go to work, put decided to take off to finish cleaning her room, (I would have taken a picture, but was to embarrass to show anyone what a mess that room was) and believe it or not she still has more work to do in there. She took me to the bowling alley so she could go to the laundry mate (she never made it there). I have not bowled since last summer a was rusty. It takes me awhile before I can find my spot. My average is 87 my first game I bowled a 103, the second 82, the third 118. Not bad. I did not pay BINGO I was still reading, the book was good. We finished about 11:30 and by that time I was ready to hit the bed.
I know this is a long post, but I know you like to read, so on to todays activities, I’ll be brief. First 11:00 choir rehearsal that lasted until after 1:00, we are getting ready for the Pastor and First Lady anniversary Sunday and the church anniversary next Sunday. Here is a picture of our Pastor and his wife. Rev., Dr. Winston C. Ridley, Jr.

Then we had a Scholarship Meet and Greet at 1:00 to 3:00. I got home about 4:00 and started to clean. With three boys in the house you would think they would try to keep the bathroom clean, it seems no one wants to clean the bathroom, I sure don’t, but I have to have a clean bathroom, so in I go, mask, gloves steamer and Lysol.
Well it is 12:30 and time for bed, I have a long church day tomorrow. I do so love the Lord and I am glad that he wakes me up in the morning and gives me traveling mercy. But Lord, I am really missing my Guild meetings and hope you will allow me to attend it next month.
Bless you All and My God always watch over you.
The Slow Quilter.