Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Stitch Me Up Blog Hop Day 5
Monday, March 25, 2013
Stitch Me Up Blog Hop–Day 4
It is now day 4 of the Stitch Me Up Blog Hop and it is my day. I have been shouting the praises of all the participants on this hop. They have done some great work.
I like to thank Madame Samm for always having something for us to hop about. Thank you to Colonial Needle for being our Sponsor and thank you to our designers, Debbie, Cyndi, and Madame Samm for the wonderful designs that we got to stitch. Last but not least our Head Cheerleader Jane of Jane’s Fabric & Quilts.
I Have never done hand embroidery before so this was a great opportunity to test my skills. I found that hand embroidery was a easy take along project, on bus trips, office retreats (which I really did most of my stitching) and sitting back and watching t.v. After seeing some of the other participants projects, I will also start to add hand embroidery to some of my quilts.
I did not make anything special with the designs, all I did was stitch them. So here they are:
Now I enjoyed working on these and plan to finish up some others and add to a quilt. So I also did one of me. I had the caricature done of me at a bowling banquet and thought I would stitch me up.
I do plan to color me in.
This one was done by my fellow quilt buddy and blogger Yetunde of sistah stitch a lot.
Thank is all for me. Please go visit the other today.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Trying to get this to work
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Pay it Forward–Come And Play
Back in February, Gene Black-Alabama Artist asked for 3 participants to join him in Paying it Forward. I was number three and he sent me this lovely turtle mug rug, Thank you Gene, I just love it and it is sitting on my bedroom nightstand.
Now that I have received my pay if forward gift, I need to pay it forward to three more people within a year to keep this going. I will pick 3 people who comment on this post by Friday, March 23rd. And like Gene, I would like to make something just for you that you will enjoy, so I have a short questionnaire.
1. What are your favorite colors or color combinations?
2. Would you like a coin purse or a mug rug?
3. Would you like a 12 1/2” un-quilted block of your choice with your color combination?
4. What do you collect (as you know I am a turtle collector)?
I cannot think of anything else to ask you, so please be a sport and pay it forward.
Love In Quilting
The Slow Quilter (Felicia)
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Quilt Day At The Guild
Today was my guild meeting at UHURU Quilters Guild and what fun we had with challenges, show-n-tell, and our raffle quilt.
This is a picture of our raffle quilt called “Black-eyed Susan in the Maryland Sunshine”. When finished it will be 100”x100” and proceeds will benefit Community service and youth projects. the drawing will be December 21, 2013. So if you would like a ticket let me know.
Here is a closer look at the block, it is paper pieced.
Also, we had people show off their challenge for the month. Doing some kind of technique they have never tried before or had wanted to try.
There is a Baltimore Album block, paper piece block and revers applique. I missed a couple of peoples block so busy noising around, and I cannot show you my challenge just yet anyway.
Karen Clark is showing off a most beautiful Cancer quilt and she is a SURVIER.
And this lovely black/white Baltimore Album quilt was made by Jackie Castellanos, she is the one holding the BA up top.
There were other quilts that I just did not get pictures of, but you get the idea of what I members can do.
And Linda of (Eat, Sleep, Quilt) was doing her thing with a class on her Crumble quilt.
All in all it was a full day of beautiful quilts, lovely ladies and also food.
Happy Quilters Day to All.
The Slow Quilter (Felicia)
Friday, March 15, 2013
The End of Nancy Drew Hop & I Got A Winner!!! YAH!!!!
Today was the end of the Nancy Drew Blog Hop, and what a fun time we had hopping along seeing all the creative things that the bloggers could make with this fabric. Traditional quilts, bags, and other great items to use for all time.
My giveaway was the pattern for the bag/duffel call the WOW bag.
And the winner is: Marla of Marla’s Crafts, she was number 19 on the old Random Generator, and she said:
19. Marla's CraftsMarch 12, 2013
Very nice bag and the pattern would be great. I am a new follower and look forward to what will be up on your blog.
I have already e-mail her of her win, she just needs to send me her address and let me know which pattern she wants. The WOW! Junior is the one I made for the hop and that is a medium bag which also has a pattern for the small one. The other is just the large bag.
I am still reading comments for the hop since I have been so busy, but I would like to again thank all of you who have been following my blog and welcome to those of you who will be following me.
Congratulation Marla, hope to hear from you soon.
The Slow Quilter (Felicia)
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Nancy Drew Day 7
This is day 7 of the Nancy Drew Blog Hop and I must say she has been traveling around, I even seen her as a quilt in a library.
I like to thank all of the hoppers for visiting my blog when Nancy visited Washington. I am still reading all the comments.
I have not gotten use to the Day Light Saving Time yet, I seem to be so sleepy that all I can do when I get home from work is to fall into bed, so I have not been doing any quilting this week, but I am trying to finish up my next hop projects.
So please take the time to visit our other participants in this hop, you will be amazed of some of the most creative quilters on this hop. More ideas in using this fabric then you can shake a machine at.
Here is todays participants.
Happy Hopping
The Slow Quilter (Felicia)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Nancy Drew Visit D.C.–Giveaway Time!!
OH Yah!! It is finally my day. I have been on pins and needles waiting to show off my creation of mystery. I just want to say that I was sew happy when the hop was postponed until now. My Slow Procrastinating heart was doing all kinds of flips and dancing. After rushing through making Christmas gifts, I had not even thought of what I was going to make. Then my funds were a little short to even buy the fabric.
By January after the knee surgery an idea popped into my head what I wanted to make and borrowed a pattern from one of my girlfriends. If you have been following the hop you have seen a lot of totes and bags, but I think this one will just make you green/blue/white with envy.
My clue to you on the first day of posting was: What has two straps and then one, not even you can do without one? When you see it once you will see it twice and then say WOW! that is so great. (O.K. not the best of rhymes just could not think of a word to rhyme with WOW). I could have said “and then say WOW, how now brown cow”. Yah, I thought that was even worse.
So without further ado please meet Nancy Goes To Washington. Now I am not a photo person, put I was trying for something unique.
As you can see Nancy was sleuthing around the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and even on the steps outside the Lincoln Memorial.
You are not seeing two bag/totes it is only one.
This tote bag opens up to be a double size duffel. Now that is amazing. Below is the bag that is 9” x 11 1/2” and 4 1/2” deep. It has pockets on either side (sorry did not take pic.) On the side you can see a zipper under a side strap, Nancy can hide things in for sleuthing, like a secret compartment.
When she need to be on the run, she can just pull out the inside and it converts it to a duffel bag that is 11 1/2” x 18” and 4 1/2” deep.
This bag does have a name it is called WOW!! and comes in three sizes, large, medium and small. This is the medium size one. The pattern is by Mary Beth Scarborough of The Dusty Attic in Fruitland, MD. If you cannot find this pattern, you might be able to e-mail her at dustyatticquilt@verizon.net. This is two patterns, on large and the medium and small is the other pattern.
Now for the giveaway. One lucky winner will get this pattern for the WOW bag, which is in the mail to me as I blog. All you have to do is leave me a comment and let me know if you are following me. You do not have to follow me if you don’t want to, but it would sure be nice if you do. Please be a reply blogger, if I cannot contact you then I have to give your gift away to someone else. I will pick a winner on the last day of the hop.
I like to thank Madam Samm Sew We Quilt, the backer for this sleuthing hop and the head detective and hostess of this great hop Carol of Just Let Me. Here is the list for todays participants, so please take time out and see what mystery they have for you to see.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013
Nancy Drew Is Back- Do You Have A Clue
Yes, Nancy Drew Blog Hop is back from a weekend rest. So get out your spyglass and follow along with the creative participants who are doing their very best to sniff out clues and complete mystery projects with the Nancy Drew fabric from MODA.
Cheering us on is Madam Samm Sew We Quilt, the backer for this sleuthing and doing a giveaway of MODA bundles. The head detective and hostess of this great hop is no other then Carol of Just Let Me Quilt. Can’t you just hear her cheering us on (rah, rah, rah). She also will be giving away a mystery prize at the end of the hop, so follow her clues and leave a comment.
Now I must run, I am trying to sleuth out the mystery of the perfect picture shot. I will be show on tomorrow (Tuesday). OMG!!! That soon, glad I checked the schedule. Here is the list for today.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Day 3 Nancy Drew Blog Hop
This is the 3rd Day of the Nancy Drew Blog Hop, and if you have been following along there have been many lovely quilts, bags, totes, aprons, and other useful things that Nancy will need when she comes and visits me next week. There are tutorials and giveaways and you do not have to jump through hops to be in the running. There are stories of bloggers who have really read the Nancy Drew book series, and those who plan to. There are even clues, she is a mystery teen sleuth you know, so there has to be clues.
And even greater Click HERE to go visit Jenn at Nancy Drew Sleuth's blog for her giveaway and interesting facts about Nancy Drew. She has all the lowdown on Nancy Drew, the history the fabric and other memorabilia relating to this teen sleuth.
Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt has given us this great hop and each day will be picking out 3 winners for some great Moda fabric bundles, commenters can also win, so don’t forget to leave comments. Carol at Just Let Me Quilt is the Cheerleader for this hop and she is cheering us all on. She is leaving clues for you to follow and will be giving out a mystery prize at the end of the hop. Just click here to get the full schedule.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I Have A Clue??? Nancy Drew Blog Hop

We have waited a long time for this hop to start and now it is here. The sleuths are waiting to give us clues. So hop along with the Nancy Drew crew.
Thou I will not show until Tuesday, March 12, I have a clue for you.

(My Guild and Bee friends will know what I made, so please do not tell). Will I have a giveaway? I am not sure, put I have a week to look at my stash, to find you something that you want to snatch.
This is all I have to say for now, so don’t forget to follow the clues and see what the bloggers will do. Here is your list of sleuths for the day.