I must still apologize to my followers for not blogging for awhile here. I am still in a blogging/quilt funk. I have had so many things on my mine and even some wild titles for blogs in my head, like “Quilt Suicide” or “Bloggers Are Us” and “What’s Up With The Cat Fur”. My “Quilting MOJO” seems to be out of whack, but I am trying to get it back. (Whack/Back).
Yesterday (Friday), I took off from work (been doing that a lot) to hang with my girls Linda (Eat, Sleep ,Quilt) and Pat to ride down to Chantilly, VA to take in the Quilters Unlimited Quilt Show. This was a great show to attend and it was better then the Baltimore Quilt & Sew Expo last month. Great vendors and Quilts. I did not have my camera with me, so these pictures are from my cell phone. Did not get to take a lot, my battery was running down.

This quilt is at the Artistic Artifacts booth and was done by Linda Cooper and I think it is called Kinetic Quilts. I am sorry if you cannot see it that well, cell phones do not make a good pictures. This is a two-sided mobile-like art quilt with small mini-quilts in the center. I plan to take this class in September and Artistic Artifacts is located in Alexandra, VA not really far and if I have to take the metro train, they will pick me up for the train station. Check out their web site www.ArtisticArtifacts.com/classes to learn more. You can see more of Linda Cooper’s work here http://www.lindacooperquilts.com/KineticQuilts.htm
Now I must say that in every show there is always some item that you see that you say to yourself, “I could have made that” or “I can use something different” or “that is a waste of money”. Well this little idea below, was one of those items, that when I saw it I said “I can use a crab mallet” .

Yes readers it is a The Wacker. This little mallet is a must have item for your sewing room. I do not know how we have ever lived without this most important tool in our quilting life. Once you press your seams, you take the mallet and wack that seam flat. You have a perfect flat seam. No more bumps or lumps. You can now flatten those unruly multi-layer seam allowances that your iron cannot do. Oh I must not forget that with a combine price of $26 you can even get the wacking board, which is a 1 or 2 inch thick wood board with batting and a cloth cover. No more dents on your tables with this item. And if this is a most need item for your sewing pleasure just hope on over to www.harvesthousequilting.com. Stop laughing. This is a real tool, and I think I will be going out to get my sewing friends the crab mallet.
Well as you can see this is a early posting for me. I am off to Atlantic City with a bus load of people my son included. The center of my hand has been itching, do you think I am in for a big win? I hope so.
So until I blog again
The Slow Quilter (Felicia)