
Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm still not sure what I will be featuring in this blog. I know it will be about quilting, but I might throw in the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle. So come along a follow me through my world of quilting and other stuff.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What’s Up?

Since the UR Priceless blog hop, I have been working on other projects when I get home from work and it is just to late for me to blog.  In between all the little sewing projects I have also been resting.

Last night I work on a picture quilt for a friend whose godmother passed away from cancer.  She ask if I would make the quilt so that it will be placed with her.  I got the pictures when I got home from work and started the quilt and finished in no time.


Sorry the pictures are not that clear.  The fabric is cancer fabric, it was a quick quilt to do, did not have to think about the placement of pictures and I did the all in one binding method (folding the backing to the front and sewing it down).  I also used something I have not used before, fusible batting.  I had some under the sewing table and thought I would use it since this was a small quilt (28 X 28).  I really liked it and would use it again for small project.

I will also finish up the signature blocks I was doing for my church retreat tonight, I only have about 12 more to do, then I will get packing my little bag and leave tomorrow evening for the retreat.SAM_1837 

Since I will not be taken my computer, I will be MIA for the weekend.  Hopefully there will be some computers set up somewhere so I can catch-up on reading the blogs.


Also look what came in the mail today for me.  Yah!!! A new computer.


As you can see Louie is already checking out the box to see it he can get in it a sleep.  I will try to set this up tonight or in the morning before I leave.  Now I might be able to get to my embroidery designs.  My embroidery machine is sick, so it will have to go to the machine doctor to be fixed.  I am hopping that I have be a good little girl and Santa will bring me a new sewing machine this Christmas.

So until I return from my retreat, I will blog with you later.

The Slow Quilter (Felicia Few)


  1. You're a good friend to make that quilt. Hugs to your friend.

    Have fun at retreat!

    1. Thank you, I am becoming a expert in picture quilts. Love to do them.

  2. I agree with Jeanie. You are a good friend.
    And I can see that Louie is King at your house.

    1. Thank you, you should see Ms. Jay, she is the Queen.

  3. I agree, that is a nice quilt. Are you doing the signature blocks for the retreat participants to sign for yourself or for the church? You are so special.

  4. The signature blocks was a request from one of the members of the Daughters of Zion Women's Ministry who are given the retreat. Once we get the signatures I will also add pictures with them. I think she plans to give it to the First Lady who is the President. She picked up the idea I did for our Bible class retreat (which I have not start the quilt yet).
