Before I get into my post, I want to say THANK YOU to all who commented on by UR Priceless Blog Hop, I had so many comments it took me two days to get through all, and since I did not reply to all of you, I Just wanted to THANK YOU for all the lovely comments.

There were, and still are so many lovely coin purses to see on this hop. You can click HERE for the full schedule.
Although I did not have a give away, if I had to take a poll on which one of my purses my readers liked, it would be the African Ladies and the ABC….fabric and the the Poker-dots.

I do plan to make more, along with matching bags. For those of you looking for the pattern, your can click here to purchase it.
After showing my coin purses on the blog hop, I had some home business to take care of and been coming in every evening from work to work on the signature blocks (need to make 65 or more now). Between working on them, trying to cook dinner, and cleaning up after everything, I just hit the bed instead of blogging. Well on Thursday, my sister-in-law came by the house to bring me some fabric to make her a bag. Now let me tell you she has been asking for over 2 month about this bag she wanted done with this fabric she had.

This is the fabric she brought to me. Remnants of red satin, some black something of other maybe crape, and the fake blue leather. All I could do is look at her cross eye.
Then she tells me she needs it by Friday (Nov. 9th). Well I was not happy about that with all the church things I have to do, and other projects to finish. She wanted it big, deep, a zipper and quilted. Who do she think I am the Fast Quilter.
It took me until Sunday to think of what I can do with this none cotton fabric that was already raveling. First I had to stabilize the black and red fabric before it just raveled apart. I always made my bags from patterns, so this was a stretch for me to make it up as I went along using the techniques from the other bags I have made.
Here is the the results of the bag that I finished this evening (I had a doctors appointment today and did not go to work)
Below is the red satin with pockets for the inside of the bag. Since I am not a FMQ, I did diagonal lines on the front and back of the bag with a 6 rows down the center and 3 on the side of decorative stiches.

As you can see above I added the blue fake leather to the bottom. below is the finished bag (sorry did not have anyone to hold it straight). The picture on the right is zipper closer.

OMG!!! That red is soooo satin that I had to take a picture with the lights off to even get this good a picture. I have never been so glad to finish a bag in my life. Never want to use slipper fabric again. She is going to Rome for the holiday to visit her youngest son, who is a apprentice chief at a restaurant. The boy loves to cook.
Now it is time for me to hit the kitchen for dinner then work on my signature blocks and check out todays coin purse hop. Have to go to work tomorrow and a busy weekend of church breakfast, choir rehearsal and holiday shopping. (Hmm, new name change, The Busy Quilter, maybe not, I think someone else is using that blog name).
Happy Quilting
The Slow Quilter (Felicia Few)