It has been a busy week for me. With cold weather and waiting for the baby to come. The Drs. wanted to wait another day before inducing labor, so they did not do that until after 12:00 am. I went home since I had been sitting at the hospital all morning with my daughter. Went back the next morning waiting for her to dilate more, which did not happen to late that evening. They were going to break her water, but she told them to wait until after she watch Empire that came on at 9:00. Yah right. I am ready for this baby to get here and she wants to wait a watch a TV show. I remember when I was having her I was watching Good Times.
Anyway, please let me introduce you to my grand-daughter Asia Nicole, borne Feb. 18th at 11:37 pm, weighing 7lbs –6.2oz. This is the first girl in the family in 38 years.
I am so over this right now, all she does is eat, sleep and poop. They are staying with me this week and then home they go. Told my daughter that when she does more then that bring her back.
On to the Birthday giveaway. Today is my birthday and I think it might be the first time I went to work on my birthday. When I got home, on the dinning room table were flowers, balloons, and two cards from my sweetie Tom. (Too bad, dinner was on the table, had to fix that myself).
Here is what one of the cards read:
Hah, hah. This is what was in the cards (brown and blue). Can you figure out what it is? Ladies, never let your man buy your underwear. He will never see me in them. I am a old cotton wearing 58 year old women, they look like they will scratch me were I don’t need scratching.
So here is my birthday giveaway. Bella Solids Charm Pack – 42 squares. All you have to do is leave me a comment that you would like to be include in this giveaway. I will pick a winner at the end of this month. Anyone can enter. And if you know anything about me, there is something always extra sent with my packages. You might find a turtle or something.