First I would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the blogging community. Yes I am late with this. Yes I have been MIA for awhile, you know how it can be sometime when family and life gets in the way.

I am not really Desperately Seeking Susan (Madonna), although I am a Material Girl (get it). O.K., o.k. that was not that funny. I am Desperately Seeking The Slow Quilter (Felicia), me.
I have some how misplaced myself mentally. I don’t know if I’m “scratching my watch of winding my ass” (from 9 to 5 Dolly Parton) After cleaning up the sewing room and living room of all my quilt stuff I have not been able to get back into the swing of things. I have been doing a lot of crocheting and teaching myself how to knit again. I have been working on a sock. That’s right a sock, just one, I am almost to the heel. No picture yet, don’t want to stop writing this blog or I might not get back to it.
With the New Year coming in, and quilt meetings, I think I might just find myself again. I already have a couple of challenges to look forward to and finishing up some of my UFOs. Oh yah, I have a new grandbaby coming in February, so look at all the baby quilts and outfits I can make with all this fabric.
Just maybe, I will put on some Madonna tunes and Vogue through the house or roll around on the floor. (To self, no rolling around on floor, might not be able to get back up). Ok talking to myself again, bad habits.
I also have been watching a lot of the ID and Forensic File channel on TV. My sons think I am trying to get away with MURDER. Like murdering them or their father. Can't wait for that show to start (How To Get Away With Murder).
Anyway, I might be getting my Groove back (must be since I keep coming up with all these movie names (How Stella Got Her Groove Back).
O.K. I will stop, need finish cooking dinner before I burn it. So until I blog again, keep your seam rippers sharp, and your stitches 1/4 inch and I will blog with you later.
The Ever So Slow Quilter (Felicia)