
Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm still not sure what I will be featuring in this blog. I know it will be about quilting, but I might throw in the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle. So come along a follow me through my world of quilting and other stuff.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

All For Quilting–Eye Candy & Wicked Hop Day 3



Who out there do not like to see some great looking eye candy now and then.  While I was sewing on my Witches, I look or listen to music.  As I was working a song came on “All For Love” with Rod Stewart, Sting and Brian Adams.  Now that is eye candy and the song took me to a new level of thinking.  As quilters we have a Love for our art.  In times of trouble, we band together to help those in need for quilts of comfort, “All For One”, and if your quilting buddy needs a certain fabric that you have in your stash, you are willing to give it to her.  We are “All For One and One For All”.  Hope you enjoy this video.

There is nothing like following a blog hop of Wicked Quilters to wake a person up at the job. Yesterdays hop was a spiders dream, there were spider webs all over the place with one lone Vampire that I would let take a bit out of me, and we cannot dismiss the Witch flying across the moon pillow with a lovely quilt and other great entries to this blog hop.  So check out todays Ghoulish hoping.

Thursday, October 24th

Tea Time Creations

Moosestash Quilting

More Stars in Comanche

Shape Moth

Selina Quilts

Debby Kratovil Quilts

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Robin’s Fabric Nest

Craft Nurse Quilt

Quilt Doodle Designs

Just Quilt It

The Slow Quilter (Felicia)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wicked In The House Day Two

Wicked Blog Hop is in the house and Day One had me hiding under the bed.  This is one Hop I could have sank my teeth in, (I’m such a VAMPIRE fan).  I must say the Ghouls are doing a fantastic job.  I saw a eyeball plant that I think is still looking at me, a spider web that I could live on, and aprons of horror that I could meet the monsters at the door in.   Check them out at Sew We Quilt, and here is the line up for today:

Wednesday, October 23rd
I have to fly off, I have a witch on the sewing machine.

Happy Hopping

The Slow Quilter (Felicia)

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Ageing Quilter–Rambling Thoughts



As I was walking to the bus stop this evening after getting off from my good Government Job, my thoughts were rolling around in my head on what I would do once I got home.  I remember when (it has only been 3 or 4 months) that when I got home from work, I would run to the sewing room and work on a new quilt or bag.  Nothing short of feeding the family, could stop me from doing something in the sewing room.  Now when I get home, I fall in the bed and pass out until it is time to go to work again.

Blogging was (is) my outlet of writing about my quilting on what was on my mine or what is happing with my quilting friends.  I would stay up until after 1:00 in the morning writing my blog after quilting.  I could not wait until the next Madam Sam’s newest blog hop so I could bring out more of my fanciful ideas, read all the blogs of people I only know by their work on fantastic quilts and works of art to my soul.  Reading about new family members, cats, dogs and what is on their mines.

What is this all about?  I am getting old (aren’t we all).  Three or 4 months ago, I felt like I was still in my 30’s, nothing has change much, other then I am in my mid 50’s (I have to ask the kids how old I am sometimes, since I forget).  Could that be the onset of Alzheimer’s.  Every time I think about doing something in the sewing room, I start then stop, then start again, then say the hell with it and go to bed.  Since my knee surgery in late January, I have a case of arthritis.  I cannot get on the floor and sandwich my quilts, I can barely walk up the stairs, and getting out of a chair is not as easy any more.  I even had to buy me one of those 17” inch tall toilets and hitting the handicap stalls when I am out. 

This has been my rambling thoughts of the day.  I am in the sewing room now putting binding on two quilts, cutting up fabric for a basket class this weekend.  I am not feeling old anymore.  When I look in the mirror,  my hair is 3 shades of naturel color, what ever the last color I put in and gray and it thinning.  The face is the same, but the chine is sagging.  The eyes are bright, but have little bags under them.  I am still me, the ever loving Slower Quilter, ageing or not, will always be a quilter.

I am back, so please keep a watch out for me.

Happy Quilting

The Slower Quilter (Felicia)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bus Trip–Buying Fabric YA!!!

It has been awhile since my last blog, but I think I am back on track.  As you know I am D.C. Federal Government worker, but I was not furloughed.  My Agency USAID was able to keep us working while other agencies were shut down.  Great for me, but I could have used a couple of pay days off.

Friday me and my girls went on a bus trip with the Milltown Quilters of  First Presbyterian Church of Howard County in Columbia, MD.  This is their Annual shopping trip to Sauders, Shady Maple and the Kitchen Kettle area.

Here are some of the ladies waiting for the bus.  They were even siting in the car.  Hi Terri, hope you found a lot of fabric.


We made it to Sauder and the ladies were buying up a storm.  There is Pat getting her purchases cut, and Linda of Eat, Sleep, Quilt standing in line with her arms full, and I even see Renee back there.

I have been waiting for this trip all year, and would you know it, I could not make up my mine on what fabrics I wanted to get.  I played it safe by only buying things I will be using to make bags and what caught my eye.


There was this city fabric and the music fabric and café fabric that I picket up.  I also picked up some yardage of Kona snow, black and gray for $5.99 a year, now that was a deal.

There is nothing like going on a fabric shopping spree to get your creative juices going.  Saturday (right after the bus trip) morning Linda and I went to the new JoAnn’s in Wheaton Maryland for their grand opening.


Yah, Linda was buying more fabric.  I needed some Red Skin fabric for pillows and found this nice look fabric for a bag.

Once I got home I got right into finishing/starting on some projects. 


Here is the T-Shirt quilt I have been working on.  I got it sandwich and squared up.  Just need to get the binding cut out and on.


I also got this baby quilt squared up and ready for a binding, that I have already to put on.



And this is the block I have been working on tonight for an exchange.  I only have to do six blocks that are due next Saturday, only have 5 more witches to cut out.

So, you are pretty much caught up on what I have been doing.  So I will be blogging with you soon.


The Slow Quilter (Felicia)